It's Time for a New Paradigm in American Education
By Judy Byrnes
Muncie, Indiana
Have you ever wondered if the education system in our nation is outdated? Compared to other countries, America is falling behind academically. In America there is an increase in illiterate graduates, student drop outs, and crime in our schools. There is a history of students being passed to the next grade level just to get them out of their school and not because of their academic ability. It’s time to change the paradigm of the American education system. We need to transform our schools by choosing the best techniques, structures, and systems from the best schools in the world.
In my opinion, America should adopt models from school systems from countries that are achieving more academically. These countries have an up or out system, or in other words, learn or get out. This system separates students who want to learn and capable of completing a high school education, from the ones who don't want to learn or don't have the capability. For those students who are willing and capable of completing a high school education, everything will remain the same within our current education system. For those students unwilling or incapable of completing a high school education, they will have an option to attend a vocational school, seek an apprenticeship or enter the work force.
In this new educational system, students will be given every opportunity to learn the required information to pass to the next grade level. A knowledge test will be given at the end of each grade level to assure students have learned the basic requirements. Students incapable or unwilling to learn necessary requirements to pass are kept back in the current grade until requirements are met or they choose to go into the vocational education track. Teachers and tutors will be available at each grade level to give students personalized assistance in areas of need. In addition, parents will be encouraged to attend workshops to motivate their children in educational endeavors and how to become a greater part of their child's education.
The benefits of this system are that only those students wanting to complete a high school education will be in classrooms. This will take disinterested and disruptive students out of classrooms. With these students out of classrooms, there will be an atmosphere more conducive to learning. There will also be a reduction in crime, bullying, truancy, absenteeism, violence, and disrespectful behavior in schools. Teachers will have more time to teach rather than having to deal with disciplinary issues and associated administrative hassles. Another benefit is that the teacher and student ratios will be lowered in every classroom. Students who want to be in an academic high school will be free to learn with like-minded peers.
Those students unwilling or unable to complete a high school education will be enrolled in vocational training programs located away from current high schools. The benefits for these students are that they will not be forced to attend or complete an academic regiment they are either not interested in or incapable of completing. This system should reduce drop out rates. Vocational track students may choose to drop out of school. American high schools and vocational training programs will become true places of learning with students and teachers wanting to be present in the educational realm.
America needs to catch up and surpass the best schools in the world. With this proposed system, we can. We need to change our education system by changing our paradigm and using what has proven to work for those nations currently academically ahead of us. This system will help our children be successful and competitive with the rest of the countries of the world.