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A Response To:  Indiana Commission on Mental Health

Indiana P-16 Plan

Smaller Learning Centers



Indiana EdAlert

A Short Discussion of
The Indiana P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement

Indiana has commissioned a new plan to “improve” education within the state. It is actually “conception-to-grave” control of Indiana residents. It starts with mandatory pre-natal health care and ends with control of the older worker through the education system.

Note: There are no provisions for excluding private schools, charter schools or home schools from any of the P-16 Plan provisions.

This section (Communications) sums up the entire report and was cleverly omitted from the hand-out version of the Plan.

It starts with this statement:

“Clearly spelling out what we collectively want for every child will enable us to develop, deliver and assess the effectiveness of our communication efforts.”

Thus we see that the writers are more interested in the communication efforts than in the child. (What follows is a lesson in state-applied brute force. It is tyranny.)

The P-16 Plan Coverage: Communication Section

1. All infants get the best foundation for learning by receiving the prenatal care they need to enter the world healthy.
This pre-natal early childhood care service would require a pediatric clinic in every school and would give the state, through the school system, the right to reach into, and control the family even before the child’s birth. This is a medical system responsibility not the schools or states.

2. All children receive the care, love, nurturing and experiences they need as the foundation for early brain development.
This extends school-provided child care from birth to 7 years of age. It would allow the school to forcibly go into the family home and, at its own selected times, remove the child to provide care and any other services or experience that it deems to be needed by the child.

3. All children have the early learning experiences they need to enter the Kindergarten ready to learn.
Elsewhere (pg. 10) the Plan states that Kindergarten should be mandatory and with this statement allows the state schools to define “early learning experiences” and arbitrarily provide those services. There are no limits. It could conceivably be all day, every day.

4. All students are reading at or above grade level by the end of third grade.
Children can easily be taught to read in the first semester of their first year. Here the school justifies its poor performance and would perpetuate it as school policy.

5. All students meet or exceed academic standards at each level.
The plan sets no academic standards. Thus, the school system is free to set whatever standards it desires, even low ones so that all children will meet them.

6. All students enroll and succeed in rigorous high school courses and graduate prepared to succeed in college and the work force.
All students cannot perform at the level required to succeed in college-level work. To require them to do so would place them under unbearable pressure and force them out of school.

7. All students have the opportunity to attend college.
Today, every student has the opportunity to attend college. However, some may not wish to do so. In our free society, those who don’t wish to do so have the right to make that choice.

8. Every student who enters a post-secondary program completes a degree.
This, as a law, would be meaningless. In the real world some people cannot perform at college level but must attend for a time to learn their true goals in their life work. It is undefined how the school system intends to enforce this requirement

9. Every Hoosier has access to continued life-long learning.
This reeks of state control for the rest of us for all our life. Post-secondary education is available to everyone in the state today who wants it. This, if enacted, would make it mandatory–perhaps even as a part of the work requirement.

This part of the P-16 Plan clearly shows that the real intention of the school is to reach into the home to interfere with the family and cloud its right to educate its children in its own beliefs, to rob them of their own individuality and their unalienable rights as free, young citizens.

School boards: Although this P-16 plan, if adopted, will affect every school system in the state there is no mention of retaining the local or county school boards or even of retaining the State Board of Education. We must, therefore, presume that each would be eliminated.

As detailed in this plan, the school system wants an awful lot without detailing any education improvements in return. Life doesn’t work that way.

See the entire P-16 Plan at: http://www.edroundtable.state.in.us/P-16Plan.htm (pdf)

Ed: Any new education plan must accomplish just these things:

1. Improve student education. (This is the primary goal and must be the core subject of any plan. I suggest the authors of the Plan read “Cultural Literacy”-Hirsch.)

2. Reduce the remedial education rates throughout the education system.
3. Recognize teacher competence. (Return teachers to professional status.)
4. A return to the pre-1995 ISTEP test.
5. Require no new governmental structures.
6. Reduce managerial overhead.

That’s all there is to it. It doesn’t require new expenses or tax increases. It is self-explanatory.


The Indiana P-16 Plan outlines a lifetime compulsory education system that amounts to brainwashing the citizens from “the cradle to the grave”. No totalitarian regime could have designed a more inclusive system for controlling its citizens than does this outline. It starts with pre-natal care and provides the means for taking the child from its parents any time it wishes and indoctrinating that child with any ideas and experiences it deems necessary. In this manner the state can prevent its parents from planting ideas of freedom, liberty, sovereignty, unalienable rights and free will in the child. It defines a war for the brain of our children and prescribes a lifetime of continued thought control. By eliminating academic teaching and substituting a defined and limited vocational education as described under the “Smaller Learning Centers” the school system will eliminate hope. When hope is eliminated, freedom will then cease to exist. We must never surrender our schools to those who prepared this obnoxious P-16 Plan.

Please read this entire report, copy it and spread the word about this attempt to create a state-controlled society starting with the brainwashing of the young. Get involved. Schedule meetings with your friends, read them this document and post the results on our web site. Contact your Legislator. You will find his address elsewhere on this site. Go to the next P-16 Plan meeting where the “Implementation Details” will be presented. Get involved. Do not let this destructive education system plan be adopted. Next, support this site. Tell your friends about it. Help us keep this site operating. We must halt this power grab of our children, or all of us will be destined to become slaves of the state.

Indiana EdAlert