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Editorial Response to: Let’s start earlier to stop falling behind
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We can’t afford Full-Day Kindergarten
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A Whale of a Restart for New Zealand
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Wasted Money on Education
Indianapolis Star
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“we’re (the United States) bad team players”
Indianapolis Star
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Where are the Replacements?
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My Day in the Senate
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An Interesting Quotation
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The edRoundtable
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Response to "Catching up to do on education front"
(November 11, 2003)





15 November 2003

To the Editor
Indianapolis Star Newspaper
307 N. Pennsylvania St.
Indianapolis, In. 46204

Dear Sir:

May I question the lead Editorial published today in the Star titled “Catching up to do on education front”? In it you state that if politicians impose expectations then they must demonstrate commitment by providing the means to push every child ahead..

I must disagree with your conclusion. In no state is there evidence that increased funding has increased the level of education achievement by the students in any school. For instance: In Washington D. C. $11,181 is spent on each student (average daily attendance) and its SAT ranks it at number 50 of 51 school systems in the county. Only New York spends more, $11,568, and its ranking is at 41. (1998). The student SAT in Utah ranks it number 9 while that state only spends $5,718 per student, the lowest in the nation. Indiana spends $9,220 per student to rank it number 12 in spending but at number 42 in the national SAT ranking. Iowa, at number 1 SAT ranking spends only $7,701 per student. Obviously, spending more money on the Indiana public school system is not the right thing to do.

May I suggest that you go back and read my letter published in your newspaper September 17, 2002. If you would like copies of the letters I have sent to you concerning the Indianapolis Public School system since then (that you have chosen not to publish) I would be happy to furnish copies of those to you. Finally, please rethink your conclusion.


Ed Sparks