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A Response to:
Nip Problem in bud...

Indy Star, 7/30/06

An Introduction to the
North American Union

A Letter to Senator Lugar regarding the Law of the Sea Treaty

Senator Lugar's Response

Rebuttal Letter to Senator Lugar

A full listing of letters from around the state coming soon!

We are working quickly to provide you access to information and letters concerning the state of the educational system in Indiana and other state.




Security and Prosperity Partnership
more information at: www.spp.gov

20 July 2006

Senator Richard G. Lugar
10 W. Market St, Room 1100
Indianapolis, In. 46204

Dear Senator Lugar:

On June 13, 2006 I sent you a letter in which I asked you to determine if the Department of Commerce was using monies authorized by Congress for other projects to fund the project known as the “Security and Prosperity Partnership” within that department. As of this date I have heard nothing from you concerning my request. Since that time I have learned more about that project and have many more questions. Here are some of these:

What is the membership of these 30 SPP working groups?

What is the charge/working agenda of each of the 30 SPP working groups?

Please provide to me any trilateral memoranda of understanding and other trilateral agreements with Mexico and Canada.

Please provide me with findings, reports and presentations of the working groups.

Under what congressional action are these working groups constituted?

What congressional oversight is there of this process?

Are the working groups redefining American laws to make them tri-lateral?

What specific plans are there for reporting to Congress?

In my previous letter to you I suggested that you and other Senators hold hearings to examine the SPP working group activities. I would like to suggest there are at least four activities that should be investigated when Congressional hearings are convened:

  1. Is the sovereignty of the United States threatened since it has been reported that a North American court and a parliamentary body are being proposed, complete with the “Amero” to replace the U. S. dollar?
  2. Wouldn’t an “outer security perimeter” remove the capacity of policing our borders from the hands of United States citizens?
  3. Isn’t “harmonizing entry screening and visa and asylum regulations’ code for a quantum leap in liberalizing our country’s immigration laws?
  4. What about the May 2005 CFR Task Force documents calling for a “seamless North American market” and for “the extension of full labor mobility to Mexico” and for a “permanent tribunal for North American dispute regulation,” as well as calling for allowing Mexican trucks “unlimited access” to the U. S.

Finally, I have the important question that must be asked. Was the signing of the “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America” by the President, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin consistent with the oath that the President took upon assuming his second elected term in office?

Thank you for your attention to this matter as I am sure that you are as interested in the answers to these questions as I am in asking them.



Ed Sparks

Cc: Indianapolis Star Newspaper